Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from SRPH

Happy Holidays All!

We thought we would send along a small cheerful wish for a happy holiday season to all of our friends within and working closely with the School of Rural Public Health.

To the faculty and staff, I personally thank you for making this an enjoyable place to work. There is nothing better than to spend the day with colleagues invested in the same grand pursuits.

To the students, we seek to give you our greatest gift, the knowledge, skills and values to go forth and make your own health related contributions.

To our friends external to the school, we are pleased to include you among our extended family and wish to thank you for all you have done for the school and our students this year.

To all, may you have a happy and safe holiday season.

We look forward to continuing working closely with you in the new year.
Check out the SRPH E-Christmas Card: